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Are you sick of being told that pain is all in your mind?


Have you ever explored the explanation behind this conclusion?


The pain very real, it is not a figment of your imagination, but real pain can be experienced without there being a physical need or cause for this sensation.


Pain is not always an indication that something is wrong, rather a subconscious signal that something could go wrong.


Pain is a signal from our brains, driven by our minds, which warns us of something that may cause damage or harm us in some way.


Have you been told by a doctor, specialist or allied health professional that your pain has no physical underlying cause? This is because your body has healed, but your mind has not.


Your mind has held on the idea of injury and need for over-caution and has not been able to move forward in to a healthy healed mindset. It is essentially stuck in a pain cycle formed in the past.


In recent years there have been huge leaps and bounds in pain science and the study of neuroplasticity.


Working in the physical therapy field for 14 years has seen me form a huge interest, and then passion, in this work.


These studies have found that in an enormous number of people the pain, or the severity of the pain, is an unnecessary warning for something that no longer exists.


This is especially true for many people suffering from chronic pain as a result of old physical injury.


The need for the signal relating to the original trauma or injury is no longer necessary, your body long ago used its incredible capability to heal.

You no longer need to be reminded of the old trauma when undertaking day-to-day tasks.


The statistics on conditions that once were thought to be an ongoing cause of chronic pain now show that these are so common when ranked by age that they are termed ‘wrinkles on the inside’


Conditions that fall in to this category can include disk bulges, many joint conditions or abnormalities (now thought of as age related normalities), soft tissue trauma including labral tears, tendon tears and sprains, and some neural impingements and inflammations among many others.


These common conditions, outside of their acute healing stage (generally 3-6 months at a maximum varying on the severity, especially if you have been active in a rehabilitation program with a qualified physical therapist) should not be a cause of ongoing pain.


Again, the reason for the pain is because the body has not healed but that the mind has not.


I understand the fear and anxiety that comes with a physical diagnosis.

I understand the mindset that because the scans, test results or Doctors have told you something is wrong you are doomed to a life of pain.

Throughout my life I have struggled with my own pain conditions.

In my early twenties I was told I needed double hip replacement surgery and should not able to walk given the condition of my joints.

I have been diagnosed with autoimmune conditions and been told I will have symptoms, limitations and need to take medications for the rest of my life.

Over 10 years later and I have no pain and no physical limitations.

No surgery, no medications, no endless expensive appointments and programs with allied health providers.

It took around 6 months+ of battling with my beliefs and learning some hard lessons in acceptance and letting go of my fear.

At this point in my life I had not yet discovered the incredible strength of Modern Psychology and so I did it the long hard way - I don’t want others to have to go through that if they do not need to.

New research in brain science and neuroplasticity backs that, even though on an MRI my hips are deformed, there is no reason to suffer like I was.


The body has an incredibly capacity to adapt and heal. It is the mind that slows us down.

Woman in Pain

**To work towards removing the pain block in your mind I will need evidence that the pain is now non-organic.

Organic pain would be a necessary warning signal sent from the brain. This is something I can work with you to cope with but is not something we should remove or ignore.

Communication with your care provider(s) will be necessary to clarify to which degree Modern Psychology is right for you.

This is determined on a case-by-case basis


** Hypnotherapy cannot be applied by anyone other than a licensed medical professional for anyone suffering from psychosis or taking anti-psychotic medications.


Myotherapy and Remedial massage are also fantastic options when working with pain. 

This may involve hands-on therapy and education and prescription of stretches and exercises designed to manage and rehabilitate the underlying cause.

For more information on these services please visit our sister site


Finding Balance 


212 Karingal drive, Karingal (opposite Karingal shopping centre, next to Unusual Pets Vet)


P: 0434 585 924




Jodie Goode 

Ba. Psychological science

Dip. Modern Psychology

Energy Psychology practitioner 

Master Clinical Hypnotherapist

Master NLP Practitioner

Life Coach

Adv. Dip. Myotherapy

Dip. Clinical Pilates

Dip. Remedial Massage

350 hour Yoga teacher training 

Reiki Master

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